Planning team-building exercises every month might be tedious - they should be fun, but not too time consuming. What one person might consider fun won't be for the next. Team building activities however, have the potential to sustain your employees' productivity. We're also fortunate enough to live in a time where we can use technology to connect with our team and there are a million ideas existing online on how to foster better connections with your team (Mission Team, for example ;). Let's explore some reasons why team building activities are important:
- Improved relationships and collaboration efforts
Team-building exercises have the ability to bring the whole company together. We like what we know. When relationships in your company are tight, the results are an enthusiastic team that supports and strives for the company's vision. Finding untapped skills and seeing your coworkers in a new "light" can both come from trying something exciting and novel.
Positive and friendly relationships are essential for business. Research shows having a friend at work makes a person 50% more fulfilled and 7 times more likely to feel involved. It will be beneficial to the whole company when your employees feel more at ease with one another and enjoy working together through team-building exercises.
Professional well-being is largely dependent on a welcoming workplace where employees feel comfortable to express their thoughts. No matter how big or small your business is, a good team-building exercise can guarantee a more enjoyable working environment.
- Increased productivity
Increased productivity is high on the priority list for (arguably) every company. Don't pass up the opportunity to on improving and increasing your people's productivity by implementing these three things: procedures, policies, and processes. Team building plays a huge part in this. Encourage your staff to become successful team players! Team-building exercises improve the performance of the entire team and supports the growth of each employee.
- A better comprehension of the company's values
Employees will learn more about the goals and objectives of the business and their roles through team building activities. A memorable event or activity with your team has the potential to encourage loyalty and belonging and teach everyone something about the business. When the team is completely aware of the company's objective, it will inspire them to contribute something bigger than themselves and will have enormous value on a global scale. The wellbeing of each person can be improved by establishing a shared objective.